LIMBONIC ART (NOR) - The Ultimate Death Worship
LIMBONIC ART (NOR) - The Ultimate Death Worship
LIMBONIC ART (NOR) - The Ultimate Death Worship
De: R$ 50,00
Por: R$ 45,00
As vendas desta loja estão temporariamente desativadas.
Banda - Limbonic Art
Álbum - The Ultimate Death Worship
Gênero - Black Metal
PaÍs - Noruega
Tipo - Full-length
Formato -Acrílico
Origem -Nacional

Track List

1. The Ultimate Death Worship
2. Suicide Commando
3. Purgatorial Agony
4. Towards the Oblivion of Dreams
5. Last Rite for the Silent Darkstar
6. Interstellar Overdrive
7. From the Shades of Hatred
8. Funeral of Death